Landscape Report


Evaluating the Business and Owner Characteristics Influencing the Adoption of Online Advertising Strategies in the Green Industry

As a follow-up to our Horticultural Economist’s, Dr. Ariana Torres, previous research into business and marketing practices of landscape firms across the U.S (, she also co-authored another publication evaluating the business and owner characteristics influencing the adoption of online advertising strategies in the Green Industry.  More information can be found below.

As more individuals use the Internet for business and leisure, the opportunities for firms to promote products and services and to communicate with consumers online increases. The objective of this study was to investigate green industry managerial decisions to engage in online advertising and how much to invest while determining the main drivers contributing to these decisions. Typically, businesses investing in online advertising spent more than 43% of all advertising expenditures in online methods, including websites, social media, and newsletters. Furthermore, the decision to engage in online advertising was driven by the percentage of wholesale and contract sales, market access, firm size, product mix, and business owners’ perceptions. Results also showed that the amount of dollars invested in online advertising depended on firm size, tools used to find customers, location, and business owners’ perceptions

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