Landscape Report


Current Issues in the Green Industry: Coivd-19 Updates and Resources

Tuesday, April 28th, 2:00 pm (Eastern)

To join the meeting via computer:

Changes are happening within the Green Industry at a fast pace during the Covid-19 pandemic.  In addition to the questions and stress of gearing up for the season, there are many new questions this year, such as: Can your business stay open?  Can more than one person be in a vehicle for work purposes?  Can you only offer curbside service to your clients/shoppers?  What are other similar businesses doing to address health and safety?  These are a few of the many questions that Green Industry businesses are tackling during the pandemic.  We want to help you navigate through some of these questions via a free online event on Tuesday, April 28th, at 2:00 pm (Eastern).  In addition to the Covid-19 related issues, we’ll also discuss the effects of the freezing temperatures on plants and how to manage emerald ash borer and social media during the pandemic.

Topics covered include:

  • Latest updates from the Executive Order
  • Green Industry Alliance Update
  • Updates from the Corydon Group
  • Managing Emerald Ash Borer During the Pandemic
  • Assessing Freeze Injury in Plants
  • Managing Your Social Media During Covid-19



  • Kyle Daniel, Nursery and Landscape Specialist, Purdue University
  • Rick Haggard, Executive Director, Indiana Nursery and Landscape Association
  • Chris Gibson and Carlin Yoder, Managing Principal and Vice-President, The Corydon Group
  • Cliff Sadof, Professor and Extension Specialist, Purdue University
  • Lindsey Purcell, Urban Forestry Specialist, Purdue University
  • Cale Bigelow, Professor of Horticulture, Purdue University
  • Rosie Lerner, Extension Consumer Horticulturist, Purdue University
  • Ariana Torres, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Purdue University



To join the meeting via computer:


To join the meeting via phone: Dial – 312-626-6799 or 646-876-9923  and enter the meeting ID: 955 7302 5468


If you have any questions, please email Kyle Daniel at


See below for our previous Covid-19 related materials.

Green Industry Businesses Share Protocols to Maximize the Health and Safety During the Covid-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 Guidelines for the Green Industry from Purdue Extension Specialists

Managing your social media during Covid-19

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